Sell more prints

With Velumity, your clients create their own photo products using photos from your shoot. Clients can’t access the high res originals.

When your client buys a print, you make money!

We handle project creation, fulfillment, and customer service. We guarantee your clients will be delighted!

Sign up

Free to use. Zero fees.

Velumity has no platform fees and no monthly fees of any kind - we only make money when you do.

Just upload your photos. We handle the rest.

Sign up

Sell more digitals too

If your client doesn’t already own the digital rights to a photo they want to print, they can purchase a license on the spot.

Let your clients choose between a limited license to purchase this print, or a full digital download - at prices you set.

Sign up

How it works

  1. You upload your photos and tell us which your client already owns.
  2. We give you a unique link to share with your client.
  3. Your client can purchase print products and digital photos using the link.

It's that simple!

Sign up
  • How much can I make with Velumity?

    As a rule of thumb, Velumity can help most client-based photographers increase their revenue per shoot by 25% or more. For example, if you currently average $400 revenue per shoot, Velumity could increase that to $500 per shoot or more.

    Here are the specifics. You'll get:

    • 50% of the net proceeds from print sales
    • 90% of the net proceeds from digital rights and downloads.

    Plus for a limited time, sign up now to increase your share of profits for life, and get a first-time sale bonus!

    "Net proceeds" means final sale price less production costs, shipping costs, transaction costs, and taxes actually paid by Velumity. Actual results vary and are not guaranteed.

  • How much does it cost?

    Velumity For Photographers is completely free to use! When your client buys a print or digital through Velumity, you make money.

    All you have to do is upload your photos and send your client their unique shop link (with optional password protection). Velumity handles everything else.

  • I already sell my own prints - what gives?

    Velumity Photographer doesn’t replace or compete with your own print sale program. You can continue to sell prints yourself as you normally do along with Velumity - which won't compete with you!

    Keep in mind: if your clients are buying any digital photos from you, they’re probably taking those photos somewhere else to print them - cutting you out of the profits.

    Why not offer them an easier way to print those photos they’re going to print anyway, so you get paid too?

    With Velumity, you'll get paid for those additional prints, and you can sell more digitals too - all with zero fees.

  • Which products does Velumity sell and which labs do you use?

    Currently, we can offer your clients: canvas prints, poster prints, photo puzzles, photo blankets, photo mugs, photo towels, water bottles, tote bags, journels, and mouse pads.

    For more specific info about our lab partners, please get in touch.

  • Can I set my own prices?

    Yes, you can set your own prices for digitals, including different pricing for the limited right to print a photo for this purchase vs full digital download.

    For print products, the base prices are set by Velumity, but you can offer your customers discount coupons.

  • How does Velumity secure my photos?

    Users must have your unique shop URL and an optional passphrase to access your shop at all.

    To protect your photos, we'll only display up to 800px versions in the shop. Photos will be printed at full resolution.

    You can remove photos from the store or remove your store altogether at any time.

    (Technically speaking, we use the latest security technologies and best practices).

  • Why would my clients want to buy print products from Velumity?

    Unlike other print product services, Velumity makes photos central to the customer experience. Customers can easily avoid bad crops and poorly fitting photos. We even make it super easy to create a collage without any cropping! And the designs are always modern and classy. Learn more about our unique photos-first approach here.

    Velumity also offers competitive prices, rapid fulfillment, and superb customer service backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Velumity for Photographers